Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Techi Tech

What a day:)

Before I log in on my AVAYA I encountered problems with my system. Since IT Department already knows what my capabilities are interms of computer, they told my team leader that the main problem of my system is my computer has full of downloaded stuff's that is not compatible with the system that we are using and it is creating conflicts. That may cause "final written warning". So before IT gets into my computer, I deleted all my files, but still my system is not running and my TL told me to transfer to another computer. My TL was worried because if IT found out that there are non business related concern, my desired position for now will be painted in water.

Finally after 3 hours, i found what causing the problem.Swwooossh,my system is working properly now.SAFE AND SOUND AGAIN, buZz!!!

By the way, here is our picture <hubby and wifey> together with our cluster design.Theme is Recycled Xmas Tree



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