Sunday, May 25, 2008

What is behind AW Survey.Com?

Recently i registered at AWSURVEY.COM and they are offering $6 after you register to take 2 surveys in two different site. First of all that is easy so I did finish all the available surveys there and after i finished it I ended with with $28. I earned that in just an hour. It's fast right?

The agenda of this site is good however after you finished all the available offers in they site your done and you cannot get the money because the minimun redemtion if $75. So how will you get your money and how is your account going to move to $75 if there is no offer left? That is a big question, right?

I was lightly embarassed about this because in order for the account to push to $75 you need to refer friends and they need to register aswell for you to get $1.25. Yes it is $1.25 per refferal.

Well, i think that I should refer more to get my money, you can also use other pc and create a multiple email so that you can refer yourself and get the $1.25 faster buit make sure that the computer that you are going to use for registration has a different IP ADDRESS, for example you registered yor email in your computer, next time that you are going to register using a different email use other computer shop so that the IP ADDRESS is diferrent. The decision is yours to make.
Make sure that you have PAYPAL ACCOUNT READY to redeem your money!

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