Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Church Seminar

My schedule is really tight due to my wedding preparation. Everyday is a busy day and everything is going smoothly as planned. Yesterday we went to a church seminar and we have learned a lot of things about marriage and raising a good family. As we all know that was easy, but the hard part is on how to take the responsibility properly.
The seminar is a good deal for couples who wants to have a sacred marriage and the words that came out from the word of god should be followed at all cost. One thing I did actaully remember is to to accept all challenges in life, to change everything to be a good hubby , to adjust, to forgive, to put trust, to pray, to take responsibility and to carry it as a man with wisdom and to respect and love the Wifey forever because marriage is a lifetime responsibility that god has given to us.
Love and respect each other to have a good marriage and have a good family *_*

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